Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Found Motivation

It's a new year, and tomorrow marks my last Christmas break at home as a college student (and an unmarried one). With the excitement of all that has happened this last semester, there is something motivating about ending a semester and starting a new one. But, I'm surprised with how motivated I am for EVERYTHING (not just working out!). I feel like motivation always comes when a big moment is so close. For instance, I didn't write my college application essays until it was about two weeks before applications were due. I'm pretty much the stereotypical procrastinator. This Christmas break though, and even more so since the New Year, I've found this source of motivation I didn't know existed.

I went for a run today, and I must admit, it's been hard for me to just go out and run. I've been doing more of a variety of exercises. But 30 minutes into the run I still feel GREAT! It was like I had been training for months. I already had planned my run for tomorrow, and am looking forward to this mild winter to run more outside.

My motivation though has exceeded the running and working out. It's 1:19am as I write this, and I've been knocking out e-mails, plans for Wishmakers on Campus second semester activities, working on booking an engagement photo shoot, and organizing everything for my thesis. I quickly realized this break how much there is to accomplish before I'm no longer a college student: honors thesis, graduate, part-time work, Wishmakers on Campus, DG, plan a wedding, figure out moving, etc for Philadelphia. Whew!

To go with this new found sense of motivation I feel it is only fitting to talk about my bucket list. See, I just listed all of these "fun" things I need to do before I graduate. But what about the real fun things?? Like getting painted up for a basketball game? Or kayaking down the canal? Or taking a cooking class with friends??

Indianapolis has so much to offer, and as the break ends I feel more anxious than ever to enjoy EVERY moment I have available to be productive and motivated! My bucket list contains 25 items I must complete before graduating college. Some are challenging, some are just fun, and some are quite plainly ridiculous but just something you have to do in college (i.e. slumber party in an academic building during finals week).

I have New Year's Resolutions, but I think this Bucket List is even better. Maybe you should make a bucket list for school, or before your next birthday, or even just a 2011 Bucket List! Trust me, when you sit down and think of what you want to do in the next 6-12 months, it's amazing how many little things you've just never made time for. Now's the time to make the time :)

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