Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Pledge to All of You

Today is my last day in the Fall semester as a senior in college (SCARY!!). Basically, in five months I will be graduating and moving away to explore bigger and better things. Today - I learned one of those bigger/better things in my Organizational Behavior class. I pledge now, to never eat a McDonald's hamburger ever again.

You think I'm joking? Today, for some reason (I really don't remember the relevance to the class) we looked at another blog! The blog encourages sharing, so this isn't stealing someone else's idea I promise! Let me recap it for you:

The Hamburger: Karen Hanrahan purchased a McDonald's hamburger in 1996. In 2008 she reposted a picture of the same hamburger. Granted, we are going off of good-faith that it is the same hamburger, but let's choose to believe her for a minute.

On the right is the new burger from 2008 she purchased, on the left is the burger from 1996. You can see the discoloration and a slight crumbling from one to the next, but it's pretty identical. Gross.

So what does that mean for your body and my blog?? Well - in order to be fit, it's common sense to not eat fast food. But I think it's better to understand WHY you shouldn't eat fast food. Sure it's high in sodium (bloating...), has many artificial ingredients, and carbs aren't good for you anyway. Plus all the oil and grease can't be good for your arteries. But what about those preservatives?? Imagine that hamburger you ate, still in your stomach 12 years later! What doesn't leave your body through the daily life cycle is still sitting, as a hamburger, in your stomach.

If you were wanting one more push to stop eating out (and by eating out, I'm referring to foods high in preservatives, sodium and grease...) I hope this helps!

Cutting fast food from your diet can surely cause weight loss by itself! When I look back on my education at Butler University (probably to the dismay of my mom and dad), I won't remember the Foreign Corrupt Policy Act, Equity Theories, or the Retailing Communication Mix - but I will remember that McDonald's $1 double cheeseburger will still be in my stomach 12 years later....and I'm not going to do it anymore! That's my pledge to you.

If you want to make that pledge - leave it as a comment :)

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