Saturday, December 18, 2010

Many New Beginnings

So, it's been approximately 48 hours since I've gotten engaged and reality has barely set in. With a June wedding in mind, there is so much to book, organize, plan and more of a need than ever TO GET IN SHAPE! If I wasn't motivated before, I sure am now!!! I have 6 months to be in the best shape of my life, and I'm thankful I had started this blog a couple weeks ago. This blog will now be focused on my wedding, and getting fit for it! I will need support, and advice, and pretty much any tips you readers' have! I feel blessed to be at this point in my life knowing I am graduating college, getting married to a wonderful man, and starting a job all within the next 7 months.

Just to give a quick update of the past 48 hours I'll break it down into 3 sections. 1) The Proposal. 2) The Aftermath. 3) Wedding Dress Shopping!!!

The Proposal
It has been a tradition for the past few Christmases that Kyle and I order Hot Box Pizza (delicious), watch Christmas movies, and exchange presents. This year was very similar....I went to Kyle's, we ordered pizza, and started exchanging presents. I was very fortunate to receive 3 additional presents prior to an engagement ring (I may or may not be slightly spoiled). After we were "done" he said he had one more for after dinner. I wasn't really feeling the pizza so he decided it was time for the last present. He told me to close my eyes and then told me to come over to check out my present (he was hunched over something). When I stood up to walk over, he got up on one knee. He told me he loved our traditions and wanted to have many more new ones; he loved me will all his heart; and hoped it was the last Christmas we'd ever have to spend a part. I said yes, followed by "is this real life??", and then cried uncontrollably (slightly embarrassing). My ring is GORGEOUS by the way - round brilliant with diamonds on the side :)

The Aftermath
Immediately following the hugging, etc, I called my mom. She didn't answer...of course. So I called my dad, who was thrilled and told me my mom was out exercising (she's the fit one in the family). I then called my brother, also no answer. I pretty much failed contacting family. I then called friends, some ran over, some I texted, lots of crying, chaos, etc. I am blessed to have great friends who came, bought champagne, Flying Cupcake, and even toasted to Kyle and I's happiness. I went back to Delta Gamma and was welcomed by girls taking pictures on their cell phone, sharing stories, and everyone checking out the ring. It was great to see the support of so many friends!

Wedding Dress Shopping
The next day was actually the day I went home for Christmas break, which was good to see my parents, but sad to leave Kyle for a few weeks. We decided that Saturday (today) would be wedding dress shopping. We were "shocked", kind of, that it takes 4-6 months to get a dress, and then alterations are another 2-3 months...which a wedding in 6 months means you need a dress like 3 months ago...

So I spent my day starting at 8am going to the IMA (Indianapolis Museum of Art), followed by a trip down 86th Street (with bridal boutiques on all sides of the street) looking. I went to Nancy's Bridal, Brides by Demetrios and David's Bridal to get a feel for specialty boutiques and somewhat "mass produced" gowns.

I won't lie, I was skeptical about David's Bridal so decided to go there last. With no luck at Nancy's or Bride by Demetrios, we went to David's Bridal. I was lucky to get Tameka, who was SOOO patient and helpful. She allowed me to pick out my own dresses but then would pull her own and everytime I found something I liked she would compile a big list of my "dream dress components" and finally, the last dress (like joke...later) was it! I'm not giving details, other than it is PERFECT and I couldn't be happier. I want those involved in my wedding to be surprised and see a true reaction from everyone at one time!

I can't wait!!

My New Diet
Of course, wedding dress shopping leads to some insecurities coming I'm on a strict, low carb, one dessert a day, LOTS of fruits and veggies, and a limit to eating out. I was eating out left and right, and even though they were "healthy", it still has high sodium and preservatives regardless. I've been jump roping and 8-minute-abbing as well :)

The goal is to be inspired (yes to be inspired), to run a marathon (all 26.2 miles) April 30 in Louisville with two friends, Rachel and Katie. Hopefully over break I can see if my body will be up for the challenge. I'm optimistic, but again need all of your support!

I'll continue to leave updates on a daily basis - but now I have more to blog about :) Enjoy your weekend everyone!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm Getting Married?!?!?!

So this blog post is a little different than the others...but will lead me to a new theme!!! I'm getting married!!! Kyle proposed to me tonight around 6PM at his house during our Christmas present exchange. Needless to say, a diamond ring beats any present I got him! It's a strange, yet very exciting feeling to be engaged. I feel so grown up, yet young at the same time. I can't believe that approximately 6 months (yes 6 months) from now I'll be married and starting my life with someone in Philadelphia, PA. The next 6 months brings a lot of changes: a marriage, moving cross country, graduating college, buying an apartment, paying bills, etc, etc.

In honor of the original intent of my blogging theme, the next 6 months will be my diet/exercise routine/wedding planning/ struggles with all of them! I feel like the next 6 months will be the most stressful but exciting time of my life. And I couldn't feel more blessed than to be sharing this all with Kyle! My friends and I are debating between running a full or mini-marathon on April 30 in Lousiville, KY followed by attending the Kentucky Derby May 7. We really want to do a real marathon, and what great shape would I be in if I could do that?? So I need some encouragement, via this blog, on all things wedding and training for a marathon.

Give me your opinions, let me know your thoughts, because I am now getting married and couldn't be more excited and motivated!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Pledge to All of You

Today is my last day in the Fall semester as a senior in college (SCARY!!). Basically, in five months I will be graduating and moving away to explore bigger and better things. Today - I learned one of those bigger/better things in my Organizational Behavior class. I pledge now, to never eat a McDonald's hamburger ever again.

You think I'm joking? Today, for some reason (I really don't remember the relevance to the class) we looked at another blog! The blog encourages sharing, so this isn't stealing someone else's idea I promise! Let me recap it for you:

The Hamburger: Karen Hanrahan purchased a McDonald's hamburger in 1996. In 2008 she reposted a picture of the same hamburger. Granted, we are going off of good-faith that it is the same hamburger, but let's choose to believe her for a minute.

On the right is the new burger from 2008 she purchased, on the left is the burger from 1996. You can see the discoloration and a slight crumbling from one to the next, but it's pretty identical. Gross.

So what does that mean for your body and my blog?? Well - in order to be fit, it's common sense to not eat fast food. But I think it's better to understand WHY you shouldn't eat fast food. Sure it's high in sodium (bloating...), has many artificial ingredients, and carbs aren't good for you anyway. Plus all the oil and grease can't be good for your arteries. But what about those preservatives?? Imagine that hamburger you ate, still in your stomach 12 years later! What doesn't leave your body through the daily life cycle is still sitting, as a hamburger, in your stomach.

If you were wanting one more push to stop eating out (and by eating out, I'm referring to foods high in preservatives, sodium and grease...) I hope this helps!

Cutting fast food from your diet can surely cause weight loss by itself! When I look back on my education at Butler University (probably to the dismay of my mom and dad), I won't remember the Foreign Corrupt Policy Act, Equity Theories, or the Retailing Communication Mix - but I will remember that McDonald's $1 double cheeseburger will still be in my stomach 12 years later....and I'm not going to do it anymore! That's my pledge to you.

If you want to make that pledge - leave it as a comment :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Random Act of Kindness

So, this blog has turned from fitness/health to giving back and helping others (my real passion in life). But ultimately, giving back allows me to be at peace and working out becomes that much more enjoyable. When I am in a bad mood, it's when I'm least likely to go work out. When I'm motivated and happy, I somehow find a way to make it to the HRC, outside for a jog, or just in a large room to jump rope :). 

I am currently working on my honors thesis for Butler's honors program. It's a marketing study concerning consumer behavior. I am analyzing the thought processes involved in purchasing low involvement products - like deodorant and a box of tissues. I went to Walmart a few weeks ago and spent $440 on deodorant and tissues. I bought over 68 varieties of deodorant. Needless to say, it was an embarrassing trip to Walmart with a lot of stares. I set it up to look like a store and everything!

So what does a person do with all of that deodorant and boxes of tissue?? I thought it'd be good to donate it to The Coburn Place Safe Haven - a domestic violence shelter about 5 minutes from Butler University.

The Coburn Place helps women and their children start a new life, free from danger. But, to leave a marriage like that, most women leave everything behind and must start completely from nothing. Everything from clothing to personal hygiene supplies to bedding are needed again. It is from community donations that these women are allowed to start a new life. I thought that donating deodorant and tissues would be a great addition to the supply closet at The Coburn Place.

I encourage all of you to look for local domestic violence shelters in your community and go through an old closet, take a trip to Walmart, or look through your medicine cabinet and donate some items. Sometimes donating product is more valuable than donating money anyway. 

Leave some comments if you make a donation :) We'd love to hear your stories! Look forward to more updates tomorrow!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tis the Season for Giving

I'd like to apologize for not being a daily blogger as promised - but I think I may have been too optimistic on how exciting my daily life is. But, the last few days I have been working on getting back mentally and physically in shape, and I'm proud to share some of my achievements and give you all some ideas as well!

Kyle's brother, Tyler, gave his sister and Kyle gift cards to Kiva as a Christmas present. Kiva is an organization that does micro-lending. Basically, you donate $25, $50, $100, etc to an entrepreneur abroad who will repay you over the course of a little over a year. It's one of the best ways to donate, because you pick a specific person whose job inspires/interests you, AND you get paid back. I donated almost 8 months ago to a woman who weaves quilts and drapes and she has repaid me $15 of my $25. This morning, I thought I should use that $15 and add $10 more to a different entrepreneur.

Meet Marlenis from Nicaragua.

She makes and sells jewelry and has requested $700 to help her purchase gold-plated anklets, earrings, men's perfume, and hair straightening cream. She has had 3 previous Kiva loans and repaid them all on time (not that I'm worried if I don't get my $25 back in 14 months...but I like the principle of the matter).

I chose Marlenis because I wanted to help someone making jewelry and someone in Central America, so Marlenis was a great pick!

Kyle's sister, Becky, now donates regularly to Kiva through her blog Better Life Bags. If you're interested check it out!!

I love being able to give back, and I find that when I start thinking of others that I truly am my happiest. I hope that this holiday season, people take the time to give back - whether locally or internationally.