Instead of posting a Valentine's Day post of Kyle and I's celebration (mostly because we haven't fully celebrated), I decided to recap this past weekend as two important things happened: 1) I was reunited with several friends for bridesmaid dress shopping!!! and 2) I knocked 2 things off my senior year bucket list!
Bridesmaid Dress Shopping
I am very fortunate to have 6 great bridesmaids - 3 from high school, 3 from Butler, who I always have a GREAT time with. Unfortunately, one of my bridesmaids, Annie, couldn't make it, but it was nice to have the other 5 be able to meet, eat brunch, and shop all day :) We started off right by eating at
Cafe Patachou...where 4 of the 5 of us had "The Omelet You Can't Refuse". Aptly named with ingredients like: bacon, potatoes, cheese, and sour cream...with cinnamon toast and fresh fruit. Plus - their coffee is to die for! They had cinnadoodle coffee that morning, so let's just say we started the day off right!
We then went to Castleton Square Mall - and stopped in at Alfred Angelo's, Macy's, and Von Maur. Alfred Angelo's was of course PACKED for a Saturday, and we only had limited luck there...but better than Macy's or Von Maur. Our attempt was to find dresses that were not "bridesmaid-y" but cocktail dresses that can be worn again and again...none of that 27 Dresses nonsense!
We then headed over to David's Bridal where of course we fell in love with 2 BEAUTIFUL dresses - however they only came in black...and we are celebrating a wedding here, not a funeral - I need NAVY!!
So we ventured to Nancy's Bridal (after a little detour due to an accident we made our way...) and again had no luck. So we decided to call it a day - and chalk it up for a loss (but a fun one!). We then followed it up with a trip to McDonald's for some much needed Diet Coke. A perfect end to a fun day with friends.
Bucket List - 2 Down!
That night we ended up going to the Butler Men's Basketball game against Detroit (and they won!). One item on the bucket list was attending a game - but not just that, we had to bring foam fingers, dress for the white out, and get VERY into the chants....
We also got to witness an incredible
half court shot - definitely worth viewing the video it's hilarious. My favorite part is when he takes off his polo to reveal his Gordon Hayward jersey - just what he needed to make the shot. It starts around 1:06!!
The second thing on the bucket list is a Butler tradition (not trespassing I swear) - and it's a stop in all the fountains at Butler...due to the cold weather, it's even more fun because the fountains are empty. The best fountain on campus is "star fountain" (it's in the shape of a star) and on the way back from the game we thought it'd be fun to jump in and you the whole fountain thing?? Whatever, it seemed like a great idea at the time!
Now only about 50 other things to do in the next 9 WEEKS (ya talk about a scary thought...only 9 more weeks of college...)!!
***On a side note - part of the bucket list includes Kyle and I going on a date A-Z...we started yesterday and have been to Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Puccinis. Today we are adding Chocolate Cafe, Movie (to be named...), Scotty's Brewhouse*** One post will have the final 26 locations :)
Happy Valentine's Day!